Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Snow Day or How I taught my human a lesson!

Well, it's been a while. Sorry, sometimes a horse gets busy trying to get all those sun baths, mud baths, and just regular bathes in along with grazing, playing, grazing, working, grazing and sleeping.

Last weekend I had a new experience. I was ridden on trail IN THE SNOW. What kind of freaky human would make a horse carry them through snow. I'll tell ya, I was really put off by it and refused to walk and would only trot and prance and try to bolt. My buddies Bo and Bubba were with me and I had to show them that we don't have to just take a breath and go with it, we can do something about such unfair abuse.

We are taught that if we try to do something other than what our rider wants us to do, then the rider makes it "more work" for us until we finally give in to what THEY want. Well, I did NOT want to be in the snow, so I made it MORE WORK for her to ride me in the snow. I used everything as an excuse to "fake spook" and even threw in a 180 with a half twist buck.  Ha ha, that will show her.

When we got back to the stable she finally gave in to me and turned me loose. I finally got my way, I got to gallop gallop gallop gallop until the arena was so dusty she couldn't breath or see to find me in it. That'll show her!

Do you have a horse related question? Then visit my friends at The Horse Forum! It's a great place to learn about the many aspects of horse ownership from real live horse owners.

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